New publication: Editorial on current advances in somatic cell gene editing for treating diseases
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Catch up on the latest news and research from the Cellular Reprogramming Unit.
Last updated 02-Jul-2024
Funding boost for regenerative research for Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
New publication: Editorial on advances in cell and gene therapy in treating neural diseases
Research featured on news
Research featured on news
Funding boost for gene therapy research to stimulate retina regeneration
New preprint: Novel method to generate neurons using biomaterial and CRISPRa
Research featured on news
New publication: New Eye Gene Atlas to map disease genes involved in eye disorders
New Member joining the lab
Expert opinion on news
New Member joining the lab
Funding boost for gene therapy research for inherited retinal diseases
New preprint: Novel method to generate neurons using biomaterial and CRISPRa
New preprint: Rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 using LAMP